caution: due to a glitch your potatoes may begin flying. You could just beat the game with flying potatoes, or you could restart. 

At the end of the game there is a surprise....

arrow keys/IJKL and WASD to play :)

Tips below

Grab a friend, secure one potato at a time, remember you can climb back up the hill if you fall off in the big pit, Some potatoes are better at rolling than others, press Y if you get REEAALLY stuck, it will teleport you back to the last checkpoint. Remember, don't give up! You've got this! Try moving slowly when you are on the ceiling.

Ok so there's one part near the end after you've unlocked the time speed up ability that's really difficult since you can barely stick to the ceiling due to your ovalness.  Hear me out, boost the other potato onto the ledge via head jumping or electric pulse, and then in the middle of the room jump and dash upwards to bang the middle of the upward slope, then use another dash to make it onto the ledge... Good luck.

If you do end up muting your music, unmute during the final cutscene ;)

Updated 28 days ago
Published 29 days ago


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This is untested, lmk if it works or not....

I can't seem to make it past that one hill at the start

(2 edits)

I (just now) made sure it's possible, but are you using arrow keys and wasd?

oh i’m just bad then lmao

So the guy who made the game "managed to beat it?" I'm not sure that counts for much! (But, yeah, I also made it past the hill at the start just by rollllllllling forever. These potatoes have a ton of low-end torque...)